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Calculations on how we formulated the figure of equivalent cars globally. For the Potential C02 Savings for Mechanical Seal Usage in Industries.
Calculation B  
Calculate Pump Time  
400 Total Number of Rotating Equipment Per Site
75% Proportion Pumps
300 Total Number of Pumps Per Site
90% Utilisation
7,884 Utilisation Hours Per Year Per Pump
2,365,200 Total Pump Utilisation Hours Per Year Per Site
Calculate Pump Seal Energy Saving Usage #1  
20% % Plan 32's
60 Plan 32's per site
162 kW per pump seal energy saving plan 32 to 23
0.27 kg CO2eq per kWh
1,277,208 kWh per pump
344,846 kg CO2 eq per pump
75 cars per pump
76,632,480 kWh per site
20,690,770 kg CO2 eq per site
4,498 cars per site
Calculate Pump Seal Energy Saving Usage #2  
10% % Plan 21's
30 Plan 21's per site
40 kW per pump seal energy saving plan 21 to 23
0.27 kg CO2 eq per kWh
315,360 kWh per pump
85,147 kg CO2 eq per pump
18.51 cars per pump
9,460,800 kWh per site
2,554,416 kg CO2 eq per site
555 cars per site
Calculate Total Energy Savings Per Site  
86,093,280 kWh per site
23,245,186 kg CO2 eq per site
5,053 total number of equivalent cars saving per site
Scale Up For Global Usage  
520 global number of sites
44,768,505,600 kWh
12,087,496,512 kg CO2 eq
2,627,717 total number of equivalent cars globally

To return to the industries summary table click here

Distilleries Case Study 

Huge Water Savings for Distillery
  • Water savings

  • Reference: ROI-2020-068
  • Savings: ZAR 130,152 / year
  • Water Savings: 216,000 litres / month

Download Case Study


If enough businesses act, together we can slow down or help to prevent Global Warming.

A Summary of Evidence

We estimate that widespread adoption of more climate-friendly policies in industry globally, could have the equivalent impact of taking 630.5 million cars off the roads.

Real World Examples

Just a few examples where we have the know-how to do things differently and help both the environment and the bottom line.

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The case for a great return on investment, from water and energy savings is very clear. "Adopt an Investment Policy to Prevent Global Warming".