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Gripple gets B Corp™ certified – Using business as a force for good


Congratulations to Gripple on becoming a certified B Corporation!

A leading manufacturer of wire joining and tensioning systems and a 100% employee-owned company, Gripple has joined over a thousand other UK companies recognized as B Corps, to build a more equitable and sustainable future.

Gripple’s B Corp certification was a natural next step for the employee-owned Sheffield-based manufacturer, following the company’s commitments to social responsibility and climate action, including its goal to be Net Zero by 2030.

Ed Stubbs, Managing Director of Gripple, says: “We are extremely proud to achieve B Corp certification. Running a successful business is much more than just turning over a profit. B Corp certification shows that we really do achieve the highest standards of performance, accountability and transparency in key areas such as employee benefits, charitable giving, supply chain practices and sustainability.”

What is B Corp certification?

The B Corp assessment is a holistic evaluation of a company’s social and environmental impact. To become a certified B Corp, a business must submit evidence on five key impact areas: Governance, Workers, Community, Environment, and Customers. 

For employees, B Corps contribute towards good health and well-being, alongside opportunities for career development, with high overall rates of employee satisfaction. B Corps also positively engage with their community through charitable donations, supply chain management, and support of a diverse and inclusive workplace. Customers purchasing goods and services from B Corps can expect ethical marketing and high-quality products that improve their overall business performance.


How is B Corp tied to environmental commitments?

The B Corp assessment’s comprehensive approach to its environmental aspects covers the calculation of scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, renewable energy usage, water management practices, waste recycling, and evaluation of biodiversity impact. This is well aligned with Gripple’s climate positive journey and the Betterworld.Solutions aim of encouraging green investments wherever possible.

Moving forward, Gripple aims to continually assess its social and environmental impact, and improve its performance.

We congratulate Gripple on this outstanding achievement and look forward to hearing more about the rest of their journey.

For more information on Gripple:

For more information on B Corporation:

Follow the journey and keep up to speed with the updates in our Betterworld.Solutions magazine and the #29millionby29 campaign on Chris Rea’s LinkedIn.


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