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Oakworth sets three-year target for net zero

Oakworth net zero

Achieving net zero by the end of 2026 is the aim of Sheffield-based Oakworth Homes.

Managing Director John Capper says that the company has already changed the lighting in its buildings (offices and production areas) to LED.  

“In addition, we have installed an air source heat pump to provide heating to the offices and hot water to all other areas,” Mr Capper said. “We have also over-insulated the ceilings in the offices. Altogether, this represents a capital expenditure of just over £30,000.”  

Mr Capper said that as a result there had already been a sharp decline in electricity usage.

“Comparing January 2022 with January 2023, for example, although costs increased dramatically, the amount of electricity we used actually fell by 10.5%.”

The company has also begun baling its recyclable waste and shipping it in bulk to be processed by a specialist recycling company.


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